Sunday, July 13, 2008

Dan took me river rafting. It was a river named the Falls River right out of Ashton, Idaho. We went twice, once with Scotty and Nathan Taylor, then three weeks later we went again. I guess when there is alot of snow melt the river gets higher and the rapids are better. Let me just tell you now, the rapids were AMAZING. When it was a higher flow it was a much different river. It was non-stop rapids. I'm not talking the little ones, they were huge, with rip curls like ocean waves would have. On the river we went down a little damn area. It looks scary but it is just like a water slide. After that for about a half a mile you follow the rapids down the canyon. It was totally awesome. We were watching Scotty in a cataraft make it through a really "NARR", part. Dan started paddling like crazy. We were horizontal for a while, then went vertical, then back to the rapids. We totally got sucked into a hole. It was awesome. We had so much fun.

1 comment:

Ash Kelley said...

Nice to have a visual of the story you told me tonite!